OUR ambition
$100M by 2028

buy our bag tag to help sick kids get back home
As you shop to go back to school, buy the Blip bag tag and give back. This cute, unique bag charm can be added to school or personal bags and helps sick kids get back to the things they miss, like the first day of school.
Available at selected Coles supermarkets and Lowes stores all this month.

Shields the sun, looks great and helps sick kids - is there anything these colourful hats can’t do? Apparently not!
Buy these brilliant bucket hats at Lowes, in store and online. $10 from every hat sold is donated to Hospitals United for Sick Kids.
we want to get sick kids HOME to the things they miss
437,000 KIDS HELPED.

pillar #1
Improving “in Hospital Experience” so kids can get home to the things they miss.

Improving “in Hospital Treatment” so kids can get home to the things they miss.

pillar #3
Bringing hospital care closer to home, so kids can be treated in the comfort of their own homes.

pillar #4
Funding projects, research and education to prevent hospitalisation in kids.

Our research showed us that no matter the reason a kid was in hospital, there’s one thing they all suffered from - homesickness.
Improving “in Hospital Treatment” so kids can get home to the things they miss.

Bringing hospital care closer to home, so kids can be treated in the comfort of their own homes.
Funding projects, research and education to prevent hospitalisation in kids.

Our Superpower: National Reach Local Impact.
Funds raised in your state through national partnerships support projects of greatest need in your community.
our partners
We are proud to partner with companies that share our vision to get kids home from hospital and back to the things they miss. To support us, our partners put products on shelves that allow Australians to give back with their purchases. Funds raised through such national partnerships are invested in locally critical projects that help sick kids and their families.


Keeping kids playing
We want kids to lead happy, healthy lives even if they’re in hospital. Here’s what we do to make sure kids can still be kids.

partner with us
Find out how you can make a difference.

#team hospitals united
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